Orange County

The 2024 ballot is REALLY long! With confusing ballot measures and hundreds of candidates running for office, some might feel overwhelmed.

We have researched, vetted, and issued an endorsement on a large amount of statewide races to help make voting easy! These candidates are the best picks that will fight for: lower taxes and cost of living​, safer communities and supporting law enforcement, fixing failing schools and stopping extremist curriculums, solving the homeless and drug crisis by addressing addiction and mental health, and enforcing the law and locking up criminals. These are candidates that will enact Plan Z: The Gen Z Agenda to fix California!

2024 is a prime opportunity for electing these common sense candidates — but we can't do that without your vote and your help. Make sure to share this voter guide with your friends and family. And please consider contributing to support our efforts to get the message out!

Statewide Ballot Measures

Proposition 2: NO

Politicians’ Title on Ballot: Authorizes Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities. Legislative Statute.

What it Actually Means: $10 Billion in More State Debt for Unspecified Expenditures in School Districts. Funds to Be Awarded Without Fair and Open Competition.  

Description: Prop 2 maxes out the state’s credit card by borrowing $10 billion at high interest rates – at a time when school enrollment in California is rapidly declining and local politicians are discriminating against Charter Schools by prohibiting them from using public facilities. Prop 2 funds will likely be diverted to fill district budget deficits. Prop 2 also contains a mandatory Project Labor Agreement provision gutting fair and open competition on construction contracts at school districts so funds are diverted to politically-connected firms.

Proposition 3: NO

Politicians’ Title on Ballot: Constitutional Right to Marriage. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.  

What it Actually Means: Updating State Constitution to Reflect 2015 US Supreme Court Ruling Allowing Gay Marriage with Broad "Right to Marry"

Description: There is no reason why this issue is even on the ballot in 2024 as this has been settled constitutional law since 2015. Nothing about Prop 3 changes the legality of same-sex marriage in California. What Prop 3 DOES do, however, is guarantee an overly broad "right to marry" anyone or anything in the state constitution. This could open the door to unintended consequences.

Proposition 4: NO

Politicians’ Title on Ballot: Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks. Legislative Statute.

What it Actually Means: $10 Billion in More State Debt for Unspecified Climate Change Projects.

Description: Prop 4 maxes out the state’s credit card by borrowing $10 billion at high interest rates – with no associated plan to fix the state’s water crisis and no commitment to address failures in fire risk management. The vast majority of Prop 4 funds will go to wasteful climate change projects and to backfill budget deficits.

Proposition 5: NO

Politicians’ Title on Ballot: Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.

What it Actually Means: Guts Prop 13 and Makes it Easier to Raise Taxes by Lowering Vote Required on Ad-Valorem Taxes from Two-Thirds to 55%  

Description: California politicians have long sought to repeal Prop 13 and impose costly and unfair tax hikes on struggling residents. Prop 5 is another effort to chip away at Prop 13 protections and make it much easier for politicians to raise your taxes. Californians face a cost-of-living crisis and simply cannot afford higher taxes that Prop 5 would help impose.

Proposition 6: NO

Politicians’ Title on Ballot: Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.

What it Actually Means: Removes Requirement that Criminals in Prison Have to Do Work Details – Allows Prisoners to Unionize and Demand Pay Hikes from Taxpayers

Description: Prop 6 is being sold as a ban on “slavery and involuntary servitude” but it actually just eliminates the ability of state prisons to require criminals behind bars do work to earn their keep.  Worse, taxpayers will be forced to give pay raises to prisoners for doing tasks they should be doing themselves like cleaning their cells and common areas, doing laundry, making foods, etc.

Proposition 32: NO

Politicians’ Title on Ballot: Raises Minimum Wage. Initiative Statute.

What it Actually Means: $18 Minimum Wage Increase – Can’t Be Revoked Unless Voters Vote Again

Description: At a time when Californians are suffering under high inflation and previous minimum wage hikes have spiked prices and destroyed entry-level jobs, Prop 32 would codify a massive wage hike through a voter initiative.

Proposition 33: NO

Politicians’ Deceptive Title on Ballot: Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. Initiative Statute.

What it Actually Means: Expands Local Governments’ Ability to Pass Rent Control Laws and Restrict Other Private Property Rights

Description: Californians are suffering under high housing and rent prices, but rent control would actually make housing substantially more expensive.  Rent control has never worked – just ask renters in San Francisco and Los Angeles that both have the most aggressive rent control laws. If Prop 33 passes, rent control will choke supply of rental units and lead to a massive price spike.

Proposition 34: YES

Politicians’ Deceptive Title on Ballot: Restricts Spending by Health Care Providers Meeting Specified Criteria. Initiative Statute.

What it Actually Means: Campaign Finance Reform – Preventing Use of Taxpayer Money in Politics

Description: Prop 34 was put on the ballot because a so-called non-profit (The AIDS Healthcare Foundation) has received hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds for their programs through government contracts and has used those funds to engage in ballot measure campaigns to advance liberal policies.  Prop 34 would end that scheme.

Proposition 35: NO

Politicians’ Title: Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services. Initiative Statute.  

What it Actually Means: Health Care Tax Increase

Description: Prop 35 permanently imposes a tax on health care – specifically managed care organizations (MCOs) that offer health insurance coverage. For this reason we recommend a NO vote.  However, there are a number of worthy provisions in this initiative to hold state politicians accountable for spending health care funds on health care and for ensuring that reimbursement rates to struggling health care providers are made more sustainable. We hope to see those good provisions in a future initiative presented to voters.

Proposition 36: YES

Politicians’ Title on Ballot: Allows Felony Charges and Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes. Initiative Statute.

What it Actually Means: Restores Ability for Police and Prosecutors to Arrest and Punish Criminals to Combat Crime Wave  

Description: In 2014 California’s liberal politicians lied to voters on the ballot with a false title on Prop 47 – claiming the measure enhanced public safety but it actually coddled criminals by eliminating the ability of police and prosecutors to arrest and punish criminals for a wide range of crimes. Now California faces a massive crime wave with both property and violent crime spiking. Prop 36 will reverse the bad Prop 47 policies that benefit criminals and give police and prosecutors the tools they need to protect us.

Local Ballot Measures

Measure G: NO

Rancho Santiago Community College District

Official Title: Affordable Education, Career, Repair, Safety Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure G is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure H: NO

Brea Olinda Unified School District

Official Title: Improvement Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure H is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure I: NO

Santa Ana Unified School District

Official Title: Classroom Improvement Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure I is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure J – NO

Tustin Unified School District

Official Title: Classroom Repair/Safety/Quality Education Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure J is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure K – NO

Anaheim Union High School District

Official Title: Anaheim Union High school District Bond Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure K is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure L - NO

Fullerton Joint Union High School District

Official Title: Fullerton Joint Union High School District Bond Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure L is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure M - NO

Buena Park School District

Official Title: Buena Park School District, School Safety, Renovation and Construction Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure M is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure N - NO

Fullerton School District

Official Title: Fullerton School District Bond Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure N is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure O - NO

La Habra City School District

Official Title: La Habra City School District Bond Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure M is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure P - NO

Lowell Joint School District

Official Title: Safe and Modern Schools Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Property Taxes and Authorizes More Debt Through Bonds

Measure P is a massive property tax increase and authorization to allow the district to go further into debt by issuing more bonds. With Orange County families struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis, now is simply not the time to be raising taxes and going deeper into debt.

Measure R - NO

City of Buena Park

Official Title: Buena Park Public Safety/Essential Services Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Sales Tax in Buena Park

Measure R is a massive tax increase that will cost you hundreds more per year and increase your sales tax! Politicians say this tax hike will fund specific areas such as “roads” and “parks” — but they use these words only because they polled these terms, and they think they will entice you into supporting the measure. In fact, the city’s own budget and fiscal forecast proves these claims to be completely false. In fact, this measure does NOT require politicians to spend the new tax on the services claimed. Instead, the city’s own financial plans have the proceeds being diverted to cover salary hikes and overly generous pension payouts to city workers. The cost of living is already too high and this tax hike would make that crisis much worse. A NO vote blocks this tax hike.

Measure S – Neutral

City of Cypress

Official Title: Cypress Housing Element Implementation

What it Actually Means: Increases the number of housing units at the Los Alamitos Race Course property.

Measure S increases the number of permitted housing units on the Los Alamitos Race Course property.  We believe this issue should be left to the immediate residents in the area of this development.

Measure T – Neutral

City of Dana Point

Title: An Initiative to Repeal and Replace the City’s Existing Short Term Rental Ordinance

Measure T eliminates the current cap of 115 on short-term rentals and instead allows a cap of 1% of total units in the coastal area and .5% in all other areas – adjusted every three years. The initial replaces the “first come, first served” approach to permitting in favor of a criteria-based approach. We believe this issue should be left to the immediate residents in the area of this development.

Measure U – YES

City of Huntington Beach

Official Title: Environmental Protection – Charter Amendment

What it Actually Means: Requires voter approval of any general fund or zoning changes that has “significant” environmental impact

Measure U would create an added layer of public participation and transparency for land use decisions where the project in question has been found to have a “significant environmental” impact.  

Measure V – NO

City of La Habra

Official Title: La Habra Emergency Services/Neighborhood Safety/Community Protection Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Sales Tax in Buena Park

Measure V is a massive tax increase that will cost you hundreds more per year and increase your sales tax! Politicians say this tax hike will fund specific areas such as “roads” and “parks” — but they use these words only because they polled these terms, and they think they will entice you into supporting the measure. In fact, the city’s own budget and fiscal forecast proves these claims to be completely false. In fact, this measure does NOT require politicians to spend the new tax on the services claimed. Instead, the city’s own financial plans have the proceeds being diverted to cover salary hikes and overly generous pension payouts to city workers. The cost of living is already too high and this tax hike would make that crisis much worse. A NO vote blocks this tax hike.

Measure W – NO

City of La Palma

Official Title: La Palma Election Reform and Voter Choice Measure

What it Actually Means: Weakens Term Limits for City Politicians

Measure W would reset term limits for the current politicians in office and increase term limits from two consecutive terms to three terms.  Term limits work – it's time for new blood!

Measure X - YES

City of Los Alamitos

Official Title:  City Government Accountability, Transparency, Charter Reform Measure

What it Actually Means: Imposes Term Limits and Campaign Contribution Limits While Raising Threshold for Competitive Bidding on Public Works Projects  

Measure X does a lot of things – and city politicians should not be combining so many different changes into one measure. That said, Measure X does a lot of good by establishing campaign contribution limits and term limits for politicians while updating the trigger for competitive bidding on public works projects to more manageable levels.

Measure Y – NO

City of Mission Viejo

Official Title: City of Mission Viejo Transient Occupancy Tax Increase

What it Actually Means: Increases Hotel Sales Tax in Mission Viejo

Measure Y is a massive tax increase that will make Mission Viejo a more expensive place to do business in.  The cost of living is already too high and this tax hike would make that crisis much worse. A NO vote blocks this tax hike.

Measure Z – NO

City of Orange

Official Title: City of Orange Public Safety/City Services Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Sales Tax in Orange

Measure Z is a massive tax increase that will cost you hundreds more per year and increase your sales tax to 8.25% on your purchases! Politicians say this tax hike will fund specific areas such as “roads” and “parks” — but they use these words only because they polled these terms, and they think they will entice you into supporting the measure. In fact, the city’s own budget and fiscal forecast proves these claims to be completely false. In fact, this measure does NOT require politicians to spend the new tax on the services claimed. Instead, the city’s own financial plans have the proceeds being diverted to cover salary hikes and overly generous pension payouts to city workers. The cost of living is already too high and this tax hike would make that crisis much worse. A NO vote blocks this tax hike.

Measure AA - YES
City of Orange

Official Title:  Fireworks Measure

What it Actually Means: Allows Sale of Fireworks  

Measure AA would overturn the current ban on sale of fireworks in Orange. The measure still requires regulation and safeguards.  

Measure BB – NO

City of San Clemente

Official Title: San Clemente Beach Protection, Restoration, Clean Ocean Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Sales Tax in San Clemente

Measure BB is a massive tax increase that will cost you hundreds more per year and increase your sales tax to 8.25%! Politicians say this tax hike will fund specific areas such as “roads” and “parks” — but they use these words only because they polled these terms, and they think they will entice you into supporting the measure. In fact, the city’s own budget and fiscal forecast proves these claims to be completely false. In fact, this measure does NOT require politicians to spend the new tax on the services claimed. Instead, the city’s own financial plans have the proceeds being diverted to cover salary hikes and overly generous pension payouts to city workers. The cost of living is already too high and this tax hike would make that crisis much worse. A NO vote blocks this tax hike.

Measure CC – NO
City of Santa Ana

Official Title: Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance Adoption

What it Actually Means: Discourages Rental Housing Investment and Prevents Eviction of Bad Tenants  

Measure CC not only violates private property rights, it will backfire and increase the cost of rent and housing in Santa Ana.  All economic studies show rent control is a complete failure. Worse, Measure CC will protect bad tenants while hurting good tenants.  

Measure DD – NO

City of Santa Ana

Official Title: Proposed Amendment to Section 1203 of the City Charter

What it Actually Means: Allows Illegal Immigrants and Non-Citizens to Vote in Local Elections

Measure DD is unconstitutional and offensive – and a good justification to recall all the Santa Ana city politicians from office.

Measure EE – NO

City of Santa Ana

Official Title: Proposed Amendments to Sections 401.05, 611, 702, 703, 1002, and 1103 of the City Charter

What it Actually Means: Removal of a number of accountability requirements on city officials

Measure EE is a hodge-podge of changes that city politicians hope you don’t read carefully – but significantly reduce the ability of the public to hold city officials accountable. Ethics investigations will be weakened, professional qualifications for city officials weakened, and the requirement of posting bond for city officials will be eliminated.  

Measure FF – NO

City of Santa Ana

Official Title: Proposed Amendment to Section 402 of the City Charter

What it Actually Means: Massive Pay HIke for City Politicians

Measure FF is a laughable and offensive proposal to hike the pay of city politicians by 600%.  

Measure GG - NO

City of Seal Beach

Official Title: City of Seal Beach Services Measure

What it Actually Means: Increases Sales Tax in Seal Beach

Measure GG is a massive tax increase that will cost you hundreds more per year and increase your sales tax to 9.25% - the highest in Orange County! Politicians say this tax hike will fund specific areas such as “roads” and “parks” — but they use these words only because they polled these terms, and they think they will entice you into supporting the measure. In fact, the city’s own budget and fiscal forecast proves these claims to be completely false. In fact, this measure does NOT require politicians to spend the new tax on the services claimed. Instead, the city’s own financial plans have the proceeds being diverted to cover salary hikes and overly generous pension payouts to city workers. The cost of living is already too high and this tax hike would make that crisis much worse. A NO vote blocks this tax hike.

Measure HH - YES

City of Stanton

Official Title: Stanton Mayoral Term Limits

What it Actually Means: Imposes 2 Term Limit on Mayor

Measure HH clarifies that the term limit applied to the City Councilmembers is separate than the term limit that applies the role of Mayor.

Measure II - NEUTRAL

City of Tustin

Official Title: City of Tustin Term Limits Revisions

What it Actually Means: Adjusts Term Limits for City Politicians

Measure II adds a term limit provision for the office of Mayor to align with members of the City Council. It would also allow for current officials in elected office to serve for a longer period of time — but also extend the period in which elected officials cannot run again for office from 2 to 8 years.

Measure JJ - YES

City of Yorba Linda

Official Title: Yorba Linda Local Control, Residential Neighborhood, Open Space Protection Measure

What it Actually Means: Makes various changes in land use policies, including approval of specific housing and retail projects

Measure KK - NO

City of Yorba Linda

Official Title: Bryant Ranch Shopping Center High Density Residential and Mixed-Use Measure

What it Actually Means: Makes various changes in land use policies, including approval of specific housing and retail projects

U.S. Congress Races

U.S. Senate

Steve Garvey

U.S. House of Representatives

38th District: Eric Ching

District 40: Young Kim

District 45: Michelle Steel

District 46: David Pan

District 47: Scott Baugh

District 49: Matt Gunderson

Statewide Candidate Races

Legislative Candidate Races


District 37: Steven Choi


District 59: Phil Chen

District 67: Elizabeth "Beth" Culver

District 68: Mike Tardif

District 70: Tri Ta

District 71: Kate Sanchez

District 72: Diane Dixon

District 73: Scott Peotter

District 74: Laurie Davies

County Candidate Races

County Board of Supervisors

District 1: Janet Nguyen

City Candidate Races

Aliso Viejo 

City Council

District 1: Tim Zandbergen

District 5: Mike Munzing 

Costa Mesa 

Mayor: James Peters  

City Council

District 1: Mike Buley

District 2: You’re Doomed

District 6: Jeff Pettis


City Council

District 3: Mark H. Plager

District 4: Glenn Button

Dana Point

City Council

District 4: Mike Frost

District 5: You’re Doomed

Fountain Valley

City Council (Vote For 2): Ted Bui, Katy V. Wright


City Council

District 1: Matthew "Matt" Truxaw  

District 2: Nick Dunlap 

District 4: Linda Whitaker

Garden Grove

Mayor: Phat Bui

City Council

District 2: NOT Phillip Nguyen

District 5: NOT Yesenia Muneton or Mariyan Bahadarakhann

District 6: Tri Lam

Huntington Beach

City Clerk: Lisa Lane Barnes

City Treasurer: Alisa Backstrom

City Council (Vote For 3): Don Kennedy, Edward Butch Twining, Chad Williams


Mayor: Ron Scolesdang

City Council

District 1: John Park

District 2: Gang Chen

District 3: James Mai  

District 4: Mike Carroll

Laguna Beach

City Clerk: You’re Doomed

City Treasurer: No Endorsement

City Council (Vote For 2): You’re Doomed

Laguna Hills

City Council (Vote For 2): Don Caskey, Jared Mathis

Laguna Woods

City Council (Vote For 3): NOT Cynthia S. Conners or Shari L. Horne

La Habra 

City Council (Vote For 3): Susan Pritchard

*Strategic Voting: While you may vote for up to 3 candidates in this race, please do not vote for any other candidate or candidates than those listed, as you may inadvertently knock recommended candidates out of the race. We need to spike the votes for our reform-minded candidates and let other voters split their votes for the remaining candidates.

Lake Forest

City Council

District 1: Doug Cirbo

District 5: Rob Pequeno

La Palma

City Council

District 1: Debbie Baker

District 3: You’re Doomed

District 5: Mark Waldman

Los Alamitos

City Council

District 1: Tanya Doby

District 2: Trisha Murphy

District 3: No Endorsement

Newport Beach

City Council

District 2: Michelle Barto

District 5: Noah Blom

District 7: Sara Weber


Mayor: No Endorsement

City Clerk: You’re Doomed

City Treasurer: Not Eugene Fields

City Council

District 2: Jon Dumitru

District 3: Kathy Tavoularis

 District 5: No Endorsement


City Treasurer: No Endorsement

City Council

District 1: Thomas Hummer

District 3: Jeremy Yamaguchi

District 5: Ward Smith

Rancho Santa Margarita

Mayor: Tony Beall   

City Council

District 3: Carol Gamble

San Clemente

City Council

District 3: NOT Angela Watts

District 4: Zhen Wu

San Juan Capistrano

City Council

District 1: Jesse "Chip" Nelson

Santa Ana

Mayor: NOT Benjamin Vazquez

City Council

District 1: Julie Tran

District 3: NOT Jessie Lopez

 District 5: You’re Doomed

Seal Beach

City Council

District 2: Ben Wong

District 4: Patty Senecal


City Council

District 2: Victor Barrios

District 4: John Douglas Warren


City Council

District 1: Tanner Douthit

District 2: Not Nathan Yeargin

 District 4: Ryan Gallagher

Villa Park

City Council (Vote For 2): Robert Frackelton, Yan Killy


City Council

District 2: NOT Carlos Manzo

District 3: K.C. Wolbert

Yorba Linda

City Council (Vote For 3): Peggy Huang, Tara Campbell, Anthony Johnson

School District Races

Anaheim Elementary School District

Area 1: No Endorsement

Area 3: Julie Diep

Anaheim Union High School District

Area 3: NOT Jose Paolo Magcalas

Area 4: Henry Charoen

Area 5: Ron Hoshi

Buena Park School District

Area 3: No Endorsement

Capistrano Unified School District

Area 1: Jennifer Adnams

Area 2: Lisa Zollinger

Area 3: Lisa Davis

Area 5: Sonia Terwiske

Centralia School District

Area 3: You’re Doomed

Coast Comm College District

Area 2: NOT Joe Dovinh  or Linda R. Zamora

Cypress School District

Area A: Carrie Hayashida

Area E: NOT Candi Kern

Fountain Valley School District (Vote For 2)

Ashley Ramirez

*Strategic Voting: While you may vote for up to 2 candidates in each race, please do not vote for any other candidate or candidates than those listed, as you may inadvertently knock recommended candidates out of the race. We need to spike the votes for our reform-minded candidates and let other voters split their votes for the remaining candidates.

Fullerton School District

Area 2: Hilda Sugarman

Area 5: You’re Doomed

Garden Grove Unified School District

Area 1: You’re Doomed

Area 5: Dina Nguyen

Huntington Beach Union High School District

Area 3: Susan Henry  

Huntington Beach City School District

Area 1: Brian Burley

Laguna Beach Unified School District (Vote For 2)

Lauren Boeck, Margaret Mary Warder

La Habra City School District, Full Term (Vote For 2)

Bertha Manzanares

*Strategic Voting: While you may vote for up to 2 candidates in each race, please do not vote for any other candidate or candidates than those listed, as you may inadvertently knock recommended candidates out of the race. We need to spike the votes for our reform-minded candidates and let other voters split their votes for the remaining candidates.

La Habra City School District, Short Term (Vote For 1)

Barbara Gastelum

Los Alamitos Unified School District

Area 4: L. Bobby Papoulias

Area 5: Perla Mendoza

Newport-Mesa Unified School District

Area 1: Robin Mensinger

Area 3: Philip Stemler

Area 6: No Endorsement

North OC College District

Area 2: Jack Daniel Fennell

Area 5: Steve Slawson

Area 7: Ryan Bent

Ocean View School District (Vote For 2)

David Clifford

Keith Jorgensen

Orange Unified School District

Area 3: Not Ana Page

Area 4: You’re Doomed

Area 7: NOT Stephen Glass

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District

Area 1: Ryan James Miller

Area 2: Maria Stubbs

Area 3: Leandra Blades

Rancho Santiago College District

Area 3: Cecilia "Ceci" Iglesias

Area 5: Not David Crockett  

Area 7: You’re Doomed

Saddleback Valley Unified School District

Area 2: Scott Miller

Area 3: Michelle O’brien

Area 4: Michael Stannard

Santa Ana Unified School District

Area 1: Brenda Lebsack

Area 2: Lloyd Boucher-Reyes

Area 3: Tamiko Anderson

South OC College District

Area 1: Not Carolyn Inmon

Area 3: Lisa Bartlett

Area 6: Not Ryan Dack  

Area 7: Lt. Col. Carl David

Tustin Unified School District

Area 1: Joe Portera

Area 2: Kathy Copeland

Area 4: Not Jonathan Stone

Special District Races

Rossmoor Community Services District (Vote For 3)

Konya Vivanti

Tony Demarco

*Strategic Voting: While you may vote for up to 3 candidates in each race, please do not vote for any other candidate or candidates than those listed, as you may inadvertently knock recommended candidates out of the race. We need to spike the votes for our reform-minded candidates and let other voters split their votes for the remaining candidates.

Serrano Water District

Division 2: Robert "Robbie" Pitts

Costa Mesa Sanitary District

Division 2: Mark Shaffer

Midway City Sanitary District (Vote For 2)

Namquan Nguyen

*Strategic Voting: While you may vote for up to 2 candidates in each race, please do not vote for any other candidate or candidates than those listed, as you may inadvertently knock recommended candidates out of the race. We need to spike the votes for our reform-minded candidates and let other voters split their votes for the remaining candidates.

Sunset Beach Sanitary District (Vote For 4)

Peter Amundson

*Strategic Voting: While you may vote for up to 4 candidates in each race, please do not vote for any other candidate or candidates than those listed, as you may inadvertently knock recommended candidates out of the race. We need to spike the votes for our reform-minded candidates and let other voters split their votes for the remaining candidates.

Irvine Ranch Water District

Division 4: Daniel R. Ferons

Moulton Niguel Water District (Vote For 4)

Duane Cave  

Brian Probolsky

Richard S. "Dick" Fiore

*Strategic Voting: While you may vote for up to 4 candidates in each race, please do not vote for any other candidate or candidates than those listed, as you may inadvertently knock recommended candidates out of the race. We need to spike the votes for our reform-minded candidates and let other voters split their votes for the remaining candidates.

Santa Margarita Water District

Division 3: Gretha Solórzano

East OC Water District

Division 1: John L. Sears

Orange County Water District

Division 2: Denis Bilodeau

Division 3: Roger Yoh

Division 6: Cathy Green

Division 7: Erik Weigand

Trabuco Canyon Water District (Vote For 2)

NOT John Horst

Municipal Water District of Orange County

Division 4: Pano Frousiakis

Division 6: Jeff Thomas  

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