
California College Republicans (CCR) was founded in 1963 and is the official College Republican organization for the state of California — and the premier conservative grassroots organization on college campuses! A chartered organization of the California Republican Party, CCR recruits, trains, and empowers College Republicans to combat liberal bias on campus, and helps to elect Republicans throughout our state.

College Republicans, as partisan actors, are able to campaign for and directly support Republican candidates, unlike non-partisan organizations like Turning Point, USA (TPUSA) and Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

It is our mission to have every College Republican in our ranks practiced with the principles of hard work; empowered with the courage to promote conservative, America First, Republican values; and prepared to effect change everywhere they go.

"The future of our party."

– CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson

"I’m here in California, and I am asking you to make sure you support … College Republicans"

– Former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel

"The California College Republicans have proven to be not just an important part of the Republican future in California, but the Republican present as well."

– Former CAGOP Chairman Ron Nehring

"A group I take a kind of personal interest in"

– President Ronald Reagan

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